
  • Control



serverConfig: {
    eventId: any;
    spaceId: any;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • eventId: any
  • spaceId: any


  • Contorl function by event. (chat)


    If you wanna open chat function by event.

    app.control.changeEventStatus("chat", true)

    If you wanna close chat function by evnet.

    app.control.changeEventStatus("chat", false)


    Error message


    • type: string

      control content, option: ['chat']

    • status: boolean

      switch status, option: [true, false]

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    If it is successfully sent to the server, it will return true. Otherwise it will return an error message

  • Pop up a message to remind the user.


    If you want to disable all features

    app.control.changeSpaceSetting(false, false, false)


    Error message


    • canHandUp: boolean

      whether to allow all users to raise their hands

    • canAutoMove: boolean

      whether to allow all users to use automatic wayfinding

    • canFollow: boolean

      whether to allow all users to follow others

    • canInvitationFace: boolean

      whether to allow all users to invitation face others

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    If it is successfully sent to the server, it will return true. Otherwise it will return an error message

  • Contorl function by space. (microphone, camera, sharescreen)


    If you wanna open microphone function by event.

    app.control.changeSpaceStatus("microphone", true)

    If you wanna close camera function by evnet.

    app.control.changeSpaceStatus("camera", false)


    Error message


    • type: string

      control content, option: ['microphone', 'camera', 'sharescreen']

    • status: boolean

      switch status, option: [true, false]

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    If it is successfully sent to the server, it will return true. Otherwise it will return an error message

  • Pop up a message to remind the user.


    If you wanna pop up a message to all users

    app.control.gameToast("success", "Hello world!", 3000, [])


    Error message


    • type: string

      type of message, option: ["success", "warning", "error", "info"]

    • content: string

      content of message

    • duration: number

      duration of message, milliseconds

    • pidArr: string[]

      pid list of users receiving notifications, [] means all users

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    If it is successfully sent to the server, it will return true. Otherwise it will return an error message

  • Control background music.


    If you wanna play a music as bgm by event.

    app.control.handleBgm("event", 1, {name: "test", url: "https://xxxx.mp3", 0.6})

    If you wanna pause bgm by space.

    app.control.handleBgm("event", 2, {name: "test", url: "https://xxxx.mp3", 0.6})


    Error message


    • scope: string

      control scope, option: ['space', 'event']

    • status: number

      background music status, option: [0, 1, 2], 0:reset, 1:start, 2:suspended

    • bgm: {
          name: string;
          url: string;
          volume: number;

      background music infomation, contains: {name, url, volume}

      • name: string
      • url: string
      • volume: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    If it is successfully sent to the server, it will return true. Otherwise it will return an error message

  • Pop up a widget for customize api game.


    Error message


    • pidArr: any

      pid list of users receiving notifications, [] means all users

    • type: string

      type of widget, please contact Vland staff to customize type

    • url: string

      content of widget, please contact Vland staff to customize content

    • param: string

      customize params for widget

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    If it is successfully sent to the server, it will return true. Otherwise it will return an error message

  • Open a iframe popup.


    If you wanna open a iframe popup in developer mode.

    app.control.openIframe("https://xxxxxx.com", "rgba(0,0,0,0.7)", "fullscreen", true)


    Error message


    • content: string

      content of sticky notes

    • background: string

      background color of popup

    • style: string

      the position of popup, option: ["fullscreen", "center"]

    • developerMode: boolean

      the iframe in developer mode can be passed to you after the link vlandId and vlandName

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    If it is successfully sent to the server, it will return true. Otherwise it will return an error message

  • Open a sticky note popup.


    If you wanna open sticky note popup with black background.

    app.control.openNote("this is a note", "rgba(0,0,0,1)")


    Error message


    • content: string

      content of sticky notes

    • background: string

      background color of popup

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    If it is successfully sent to the server, it will return true. Otherwise it will return an error message

  • Open a interactive object popup. (file, video, picture, live) Only live streaming in m3u8 format is supported.


    If you wanna open file popup with transparent background in full screen.

    app.control.openPopup("file", "https://xxxx.pdf", "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "fullscreen")

    If you wanna open live popup in the middle of the screen.

    app.control.openPopup("live", "https://xxxx.m3u8", "rgba(0,0,0,0.7)", "center")


    Error message


    • type: string

      type of interactive object, option: ['file', 'video', 'picture', 'live']

    • content: string

      link of interactive object

    • background: string

      background color of popup

    • style: string

      the position of popup, option: ["fullscreen", "center"]

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    If it is successfully sent to the server, it will return true. Otherwise it will return an error message

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