Interface IPosition

Properties of a Position.


  • IPosition

Implemented by


A?: null | AnimationType

Player's animation

Angle?: null | number

Angle (3D map)

B?: null | boolean

Is the player currently playing the birth animation?

D?: null | DirectionType

Player's facing (left, right, up, down)

HeadPortrait?: null | string

Profile picture

I?: null | string

Player's clothing number (https:// TODO)

Identity?: null | Identity

Player's Identity (normal, guest)

IsRaiseHand?: null | boolean

Is raise hand?

MoveMode?: null | MoveMode

Player's movement status(NORMAL_MODE:you can't pass through tiles occupied by other people, FLY_MODE:you can pass through tiles occupied by other people)

Pets?: null | string[]

The carried pet

Pid?: null | string

Player's id

RealName?: null | string

Player's name

RoleName?: null | string

Player's label name

RoleType?: null | RoleType

Player's label type

S?: null | StatusType

Player's status (normal, offline)

SpiritType?: null | number

Spirit type (0:player 1:NPC 2:robot)

X?: null | number

Player's X-coordinate

Y?: null | number

Player's Y-coordinate

Z?: null | number

Player's Z-coordinate (3D map)

speed?: null | number

Player's movement speed (Default is 1)

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