Interface ISceneObjects


  • ISceneObjects


effectPickup?: boolean

Is it pick-upable?

height?: number

image height. The number entered in the height field corresponds to the number of grids occupied by the image. Each grid is equivalent to 64px, and the actual size of the image should match the grid count. For instance, if the height of the added object image is 128px, please enter '2' in the height field.

id: string


imageURL?: string

object's image url.

interactiveData?: {
    functionArgument?: String;
    functionName?: string;
    name?: string;

Special effects's params. (if 'interactiveType' = 18, need to be added. example: {name: "setMoveSpeed", functionName: "setMoveSpeed", functionArgument: "{'speed':1}")

interactiveDistance?: number

Trigger range.

interactiveMsg?: string

Sticky note's message. (if 'interactiveType' = 2, need to be added.)

interactiveType?: number

Interactive type(2: Sticky note, 18: Special effects)

isCollider?: boolean

Does it obstruct the character?

left?: number


prompt?: string

Prompt text.

promptIconHidden?: boolean

Is the prompt icon hidden?

promptTextFontSize?: number

Prompt text's font size.

top?: number


triggerEvent?: "click" | "enter"

'click': Click to trigger. 'enter': Enter to trigger.

triggerName?: string

object’s name

width?: number

image width. The number entered in the width field corresponds to the number of grids occupied by the image. Each grid is equivalent to 64px, and the actual size of the image should match the grid count. For instance, if the width of the added object image is 128px, please enter '2' in the width field.

zIndex?: 3 | 5

zIndex (zIndex=3:The object is under the character, the character will pass over the object. ;zIndex=5: The object is above the character. When the character passes by, the object will cover the character. The character passes under the object. )

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